Smooth Forehead Lines, Crow’s Feet, and More with the Popular Injectable in the Little Rock Area
An expressive face may allow you to show a range of emotions, but it also causes lines to develop over time. Muscles that pull the eyebrows up and mouth down create what are known as “dynamic wrinkles” that can give your face an aged appearance. With BOTOX®, Little Rock-area women and men who want to smooth those lines can give those muscles a break for months. This keeps the skin at rest in specific areas so that folds and wrinkles don’t show.
At the Dermatology Group of Arkansas, we believe that every patient deserves a personalized approach, starting with a private consultation. Our injectors are all thoroughly trained to maximize safety and highly experienced in providing results that look natural.
Contact Us Today
Schedule your consultation for BOTOX® for Little Rock, all of Central Arkansas, and beyond today. Call us at the Dermatology Group of Arkansas at 501-227-8422.
What Does BOTOX® Treat?
Decades of research and study have gone into BOTOX®, leading to the discovery of many cosmetic benefits. The FDA has approved BOTOX® for addressing three specific signs of aging:
Forehead Lines
The forehead is a highly active area, with the skin scrunching into folds as you squint, raise your eyebrows, scowl, and more. All of these motions gradually etch horizontal grooves into the skin.
Frown Lines
Also on the forehead, but appearing between the eyebrows, frown lines develop as a short pair of up-and-down creases that resemble the number 11. They tend to show up when you make a confused or worried expression, as well as when you squint.
Crow’s Feet
Smiles, winks, and just about any expressions that move the skin around your eyes contribute to wrinkles known as crow’s feet. The fine lines start at the outside corners of the eyes and run toward the temples.
Experienced injectors also use BOTOX® to address cosmetic issues beyond these three signs of aging. These are known as “off-label” applications, and they are well researched and widely used by providers around the country. One such application is injecting BOTOX® to relax the muscles that cause “bunny lines,” which are wrinkles on the sides of the nose. Another application is shaping the jawline with masseter BOTOX, which can also be used as BOTOX® for TMJ. Underarm BOTOX® can help curb excessive sweating, while downturned mouth BOTOX® can relax muscles that cause a constant frown, BOTOX® under the eyes can address signs of aging there, and injections can create the look of a “BOTOX® eye lift.”
We can explain more about what BOTOX® can do and determine if it is the best treatment for your aesthetic concerns when we meet for an initial consultation.
Note that the FDA has also approved BOTOX® for treating migraines.
There are many uses for BOTOX® at the Little Rock area’s Dermatology Group of Arkansas. The FDA has approved the injectable for use in relaxing muscles that cause horizontal forehead lines, lateral canthal lines (known as crow’s feet), and glabellar lines (known as frown lines). Experienced injectors like ours can also treat other signs of aging, such as bunny lines next to the nose.
How Does BOTOX® Work?
The active ingredient that allows BOTOX® to smooth out wrinkles, a purified form of botulinum toxin, is a chemical that keeps muscles from receiving instructions to contract. When you want to make a surprised face, for example, your brain sends out signals that go to the muscles responsible for making the expression happen.
Over time, as youthful skin loses its elasticity and ability to easily return to a smooth, unlined state, routine muscle contractions cause wrinkles to develop. These lines are most visible when the related muscles pull the skin as part of a facial expression.
Any muscles injected with BOTOX®, however, don’t get the message, so they stay at rest. This means you can still make the expression, but it will happen without creating age-revealing lines and wrinkles.
It is important to understand that BOTOX® is a proven safe treatment, but it is also a very powerful one. For that reason, it should only be administered by injectors who are familiar with its application and who have the proper training. Not only is choosing a qualified and professional injector who works in a clean and safe environment ideal for your health, but also for your appearance.
Our injectors understand how BOTOX® works, so they can customize the injections to your needs. The result will be a natural look that makes you appear refreshed and rejuvenated.
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What Can You Expect From a BOTOX® Treatment?
Seeking “BOTOX® near me?” At the Dermatology Group of Arkansas, all our injectors take great care to make the process as comfortable as possible.
The treatment will involve multiple injections made directly into targeted muscles. These injections are typically quick and feel like slight pinches.
Patients who have concerns about discomfort during the treatment can discuss their concerns during their consultation. We can work to help reduce both anxiety and sensation in the treatment area so the procedure runs as smoothly and comfortably as possible.
You can expect some injection-related side effects after a BOTOX® treatment. Many patients experience some combination of slight bruising or swelling at the injection site, tenderness, itching, and similar effects. All of these are common and go away with no special care or attention. We will give you some instructions on how best to care for the injection site in the days after a treatment, in order to maximize your results.
Because the treatment is so minimally invasive, you do not need to plan for down time after your injections. Not only are BOTOX® sessions fast, but you can also return to most of your normal activities the day of treatment. We do ask that you avoid putting pressure on the injection sites for several days.
It typically takes about two weeks for BOTOX® injections to become fully effective. Muscle activity will slow throughout that time, with the results improving from a few days after your injections until roughly 14 days later.
How Long Do BOTOX® Results Last?
Your body will gradually metabolize the ingredient that makes BOTOX® so effective. Results can be expected to last about two to three months. At that time, you will see the ability to contract gradually return to your muscles. As they begin moving freely again, your lines and wrinkles will return.
If you want to maintain your results, we recommend routine BOTOX® treatments approximately every three months. BOTOX® is safe for repeat applications, and there is some indication that muscles can even be “trained” over time to remain more at rest. We can help you to develop a long-term plan with treatments chosen and scheduled to extend your rejuvenated and refreshed appearance. During your consultation, we can discuss frequency, cost, and other details to help you decide on the best path forward.
What Other Wrinkle-Smoothing Options Are Available in the Little Rock Area?
Similar to BOTOX®, Dysport® is an injectable that relaxes wrinkle-making muscles. It is FDA approved to smooth out forehead lines.
Not all wrinkles are caused by contractions. There are also folds that appear due to age-related collagen loss, like parentheses lines on either side of the mouth. Fillers in the Juvéderm® family work well on these signs of aging by adding volume beneath the skin. The restored volume makes the surface appear smoother and more youthful. Fillers can also be used to create more youthful facial contours by adding volume to hollows.
We also offer numerous skin resurfacing and tightening procedures that rejuvenate the skin, creating a more youthful appearance. Our team is prepared to help you determine which treatments would be right for you based on your goals.
Contact Us Today
Contact the Dermatology Group of Arkansas today for BOTOX® in the Little Rock area. Call 501-227-8422.
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