
Address Skin Laxity Without Surgery in the Little Rock Area

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What Causes the Skin to Lose Elasticity?

The term “skin elasticity” refers to the ability of the skin to stretch and snap back into its original shape. When our skin has good elasticity, it has a plump and youthful appearance. Young skin has the highest level of elasticity. As you get older, sagging skin and wrinkles may develop on the face or other areas of the body. The loss of elasticity is referred to as elastosis. Collagen and elastin molecules break down and are replaced by new ones in an ongoing cycle in the skin.

Age causes this cycle to slow down, so that these beneficial fibers are eventually lost faster than they can be replaced. Environmental and lifestyle factors can also have an impact on the skin. Collagen and elastin fibers break down more rapidly when exposed to sunlight, cigarette smoke, and pollution. When UV rays from sunlight penetrate the skin and reach the cells, collagen fibers are damaged and abnormal elastin fibers are created. The result of the damage from all of these factors is low levels of collagen and elastin, lax skin, increased lines and wrinkles, and sagging.

Although it’s normal and inevitable that your skin will lose some elasticity, there are ways of addressing the damage and even delaying the process, such as infrared skin tightening treatments with SkinTyte.

How Does SkinTyte Work?

SkinTyte is an infrared skin tightening procedure that takes advantage of the body’s natural healing response to tissue damage. It uses infrared light to deliver heat into the deepest layers of the skin, which causes controlled tissue damage and prompts contraction of the existing collagen and elastin fibers right away.

In the long term, these treatments stimulate specialized cells to produce new collagen and elastin molecules for an overall improvement of skin firmness. The goal of SkinTyte is to make the skin tighter, firmer, and more youthful in terms of appearance and feel.

There are many cosmetic concerns that can be addressed with this treatment, including loss of definition in the jawline and neck, and general skin laxity in the face.

The SkinTyte device uses something known as “sapphire contact cooling” to protect the surface and keep it at a more comfortable temperature than the heated deeper layers. This is a safe treatment, but patients should expect some minor side effects, such as skin redness, tenderness, and possible swelling. No downtime is required, as these effects will resolve on their own—but care should be taken to protect the treated areas against sun exposure as they heal.

What Happens During the SkinTyte Procedure?

Who Is a Candidate for SkinTyte?

What Can SkinTyte Address?

Address skin laxity with the infrared-powered SkinTyte™ at the Little Rock area's Dermatology Group of Arkansas.

SkinTyte at the Little Rock area’s Dermatology Group of Arkansas uses infrared light to cause elastin and collagen fibers to contract, as well as prompt the formation of new collagen and elastin. Together, these effects tighten and smooth the skin, making the treatment ideal for laxity on the face, neck, and upper chest (known as the décolletage).

How Do You Prepare for SkinTyte?

What Are the Results Like After a SkinTyte Treatment in the Little Rock Area?

What Else Can Help with Tightening Skin and Body Contouring?

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