BOTOX® for Migraines Injection Sites

Discover Facial Areas That Can Be Treated with Muscle Relaxers in the Little Rock Area

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Understanding BOTOX® Injection Sites for Migraines: Where Can You Get BOTOX® Injections Done?

What are the Most Popular BOTOX® Injection Sites for Migraines and Other Concerns?

BOTOX® is injected into strategic areas to achieve optimal results. Here’s what you should know about BOTOX® injection sites for migraines and other injection areas.

  • BOTOX® injection sites for migraines will usually be on the forehead, temples, back of the head, and the neck.
  • BOTOX® under eye injection sites usually include the areas where the muscle bulges the most when you’re smiling.
  • Masseter BOTOX® injection sites or TMJ BOTOX® injection sites are usually on the masseter and temporalis muscles.
  • BOTOX® forehead injection sites are usually on the glabellar region, frontalis muscle, and temporal area.
  • BOTOX® brow lift injection sites are usually on the corrugators, frontalis, and orbicularis oculi.

Beyond BOTOX® Injection Sites for Migraines: Which Aesthetic Treatments are Available?

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