Masseter BOTOX®

Reshape Your Jaw and Improve Your Face Shape in the Little Rock Area

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How Does Masseter or Jaw BOTOX® Work?

BOTOX® in Masseter Muscles: What is Masseter BOTOX® for TMJ?

Many patients decide to have masseter BOTOX® for TMJ to relax the tense muscles in this area of the face and get relief for pain. This purified botulinum toxin treatment works well for people who grind or clench their teeth. BOTOX® for TMJ can provide relief for jaw pain and soreness.

Jowls and Masseter BOTOX®: What You Should Know

There are many aesthetic and functional benefits associated with jawline BOTOX®, but people often wonder whether lower face jowling is one of its potential drawbacks. There’s no evidence to show that these injections will lead to jowling.

Which BOTOX® Treatments are Available Aside from Masseter Muscle BOTOX®?

Masseter Muscle BOTOX®: Which
Cosmetic Procedures Complement Jawline BOTOX®?

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