What Should You Know Before Getting BOTOX® Under Eyes?

Rejuvenate the Eye Area with Muscle Relaxers in the Little Rock Area

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BOTOX® Around Eyes: How Does BOTOX® Under Eyes Work?

Beyond BOTOX® Under Eyes: Which Other BOTOX® Treatments Are Available?

BOTOX® injections are used for cosmetic as well as medical purposes. Along with BOTOX® under eyes or under eye lines BOTOX® and other upper face treatments such as reducing crow’s feet, BOTOX® is also used for many concerns on the center and lower area of the face.

  • BOTOX® for migraines on injection sites works by blocking chemicals that carry pain signals from your brain. The most common BOTOX® for migraines injection sites are on the forehead, temples, and the back of your head and neck.
  • Downturned mouth BOTOX® is strategically injected into muscles around the mouth. It can give a subtle lift to downturned mouth corners and reduce marionette lines.
  • BOTOX® for TMJ or masseter BOTOX® reduces overactive jaw muscles to reduce tension or improve the shape of the lower face.
  • Underarm BOTOX® reduces excessive perspiration on the underarms.
  • A BOTOX® eye lift or BOTOX® brow lift can give the eyebrows a slightly higher appearance.
  • Nose BOTOX® addresses several cosmetic concerns on the nose area. This treatment can reduce bunny lines on either side of the nose, reduce excessive nasal flaring, or lift a drooping nose tip.
  • Trapezius BOTOX® enhances the appearance of the neck and shoulders.

Other Aesthetic Treatments That Complement BOTOX® Under Eyes

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