Dr. Daniel F. Smith CV

Learn More About This Board-Certified Dermatologist Serving the Little Rock Area

Business Address

Private Practice, Dermatology
Dermatology Group of Arkansas
Medical Towers 1, Suite 690
9601 Baptist Health Drive
Little Rock, Arkansas 72205
Telephone 501-227-8422
FAX 501-537-1079
Texarkana Dermatology Associates
4101 Richmond Meadows
Texarkana, TX 75503
White Hall Family Practice 106 Cooper ·
White Hall, AR 71602
Pine Bluff Medical Practice
4010 Mulberry Street
Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71603


Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
University of Arkansas at Fayetteville
Fayettevi lle, Arkansas
Master of Business Administration
University of Arkansas at Fayetteville
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Doctor of Medicine
University of Arkansas Medical Sciences
Little Rock, Arkansas
Dermatology Residency
University of South Florida.
Tampa, Florida


Arkansas, License #E-1486

Te xas, License #L1754


Board Certified in Dermatology October 2001

Honors and Activities

Alpha Omega Alpha 1995
Barton Foundation Scholarship 1995
Medical College Physician’s Group Scholarship 1994
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation & Emergency Care Instructor 1993,1995
Advanced Trauma Life Support 1997
Arkansas Student Government Senator 1988
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity
Dean’s List (Top 10%) 1988-1989
President’s List (4.0 GPA) 1987-1988
Omicron Delta Kappa, National Leadership Fraternity
Beta Gamma Sigma, Academic/Leadership Business Fraternity for Top 5% of Class

Professional Affiliations

Research Training

Research Experience

The Efficacy of Gold-Weight Treatment for Lagophthalmos, Charles Rice, M.D., Dept. of Ophthalmo logy, UAMS
“A Multi-Center Phase 3, In vestiga tor Blind Clinical Trial to Assess the Safety and Efficac;y of a Topical Cream Applied Once Daily 3 Days per Week in I or 2 Courses of Treatment of Actinic Keratosis on the Head .” 2003
“A Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Study of the Recurrence and Re-treatment of Actinic Keratosis after Treatment with a Topical Cream.” 2003
“A Multi-Center, Open Label, Long-Tenn Safety Trial ofa Topical Gel in the Treatment of Acne Vulgaris”
“Phase III Vehicle-controlled, Double-blind study to assess the Safety and Efficacy of a Topical Cream for the Treatment ofMolluscum Contagiosum in Ped iatri c Patients”
“Phase II, Multicenter, Double-blind , Randomized, Dose-ranging Evaluation of the Efficacy of a Topical Gel Following Repeated Topical Application in Subjects with Acne Vulgaris”
“A Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Double Blind, Vehicle Controlled Study of the Safety and Efficacy of a Foam, in the Treatment of Adolescent and Pediatric Subjects with Mild to Moderate Atopic Dermatitis.”
“A randomized, investigator blinded, active-co ntrolled, parallel group study to compare the efficacy and safety of 6-week treatment with a new pediatric formulation versus 6-week treatment with a pediatric suspension in children with Tinea Capitis”
“Ra ndomi zed, Double-B lind, Placebo-Controlled Phase III Study of an Extend ed-Release Formulation of an antibiotic for the Treatment of the Inflammatory Lesions of Acne Vulgaris”
“An Open-Label Safety Study of a New Formula tio n of an antibiotic for the Treatment of Moderate to Severe .Acne”
“A Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Double Blind, _Vehicle Cont rolled Study of the Safety and Efficacy of a Foam, in the Treatment of Adolescent and Pediatric Subjects with Mild to Moderate Atopic Dermatitis.”
“A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial to Determine the Effects of Modified Release Capsules Administ ered Once Daily for the Treatment of Rosacea.”
“A multicentre, randomis ed, double blind; placebo controlled phase III study of a subcutaneously administered biologic in the treatment and re-treatment of subjects with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.”
“Placebo-controlled Multicenter Study with a biologic to Determine Safety and Efficacy-in Pediatric Subjects with Plaque Psoriasisi s (PEDS)”
“A Phase 3, Multi-Center Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Long-Term Biologic Treatment in Subjec ts with Moderate to Severe Chronic Plaque Psoriasis.”
“A randomized, investigator blinded, active-controlled, parallel group study to compare the efficacy and safety of 6-week treatment with a new pediatric formula versus 6-week treatment with an approved pediatric suspension in children wjth Tinea Capitis”
“A Follow-up Study to Evaluate Actinic Keratosis Recurrence Rates One Year after Completioh of the 1473-IMIQ Study (IND #49,480).”
“A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Safety and Tolera bility Study of a biologic in Subjects with Chronic Plaque Psoriasis Requiring Systemic Therapy.”
“An Open-label Extension Study to Evaluate the Safety ofEt ercept in Pediatric Subjects with Plaque Psoriasis”
“A Randomized, evaluator blinded, vehicle-controlled multi-center study of the safety and efficacy of 4% Trad ename Fluorouracil) cream versus it s vehicle cream versus Efudex cream in the Treatment of Actinic Keratosis”
“A Phase II, Multi-Center, Randomized, Evaluator-Blind, Vehicle Controlled, 6-Arm, Parallel Group Comparison Study Comparing the Efficacy and Safety of Clindaben (1/2.5), Clindamycin (1%), and Benzoyl Peroxide (2.5%) Gels in the Treatment of Acne Vulgaris.”
“Raptiva Epidemiologic Srudy of Psoriasis Outcomes and Safety Events (RESPONSE) in Patients with Chronic Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis”
“Phase 2/3 Study: A Multicenter Open Label Continuation Study in Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis Subjects who completed a Preceding Psoriasis Clinical Study with Adalimumab”
“A Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo Controlled, Parallel Group Study of the Safety and Efficacy of l% and 2% Nanocrystalline Silver Cream (NPI 32101) Applied Twice Daily in Pediatric and Adolescent Subjects with Mild to Moderate Atopic Dermatitis”
“An Open-Label, Treatment Continuation Study Of2% Nanocrystalline Silver Cream (NPI 32101) Applied Twice Daily In Children with Atopic Dermatitis Who Previously Completed A Doub le-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study OfNPI 32101”
“A Open-label;multi-center, uncontrolled, single-group assignment, long-t erm safety study of 4% Tradename (Fluorouracil) cream in subjects with Actinic Keratosis (who participated in the Phase III studies)”
“Observational Post-Marketing Safety Surveillance Registry ofEnbrel (entanercept) for the Treatment of Psoriasis”
“A multi-center, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study to demonstrate the efficacy and safety of adapalene/benzoyl peroxide topical gel compared with adapalene topical gel, 0.1%; benzoyl peroxide topical gel vehicle in subjects with acne vulgaris”
“An open-label extension study to evaluate the safety of entercept in pediatric subjects with plaque psoriasis FEDS”
“A phase III, multi-center, randomized, doubl e-bli nd, vehicle-controlled, 4-arm, parallel group comparison study comparing 1he efficacy and safety of clindaben ½.5), Clindaben vehicle, clindarnycin (1%), and benzoyl Peroxide (2.5%) Gels in the treatment of moderate to severe acne vulgaris”
“Phannacokinetics and Pharmacodynarnics of calcitriol following twice daily application of calcitriol 3ug/g ointment under conitions of maximal use in adolescents with plaque psoriasis”
“A Phase 3, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial eva luating the efficacy and safety of CNTO 1275 in the treatment of subjects with moderate to severe plaque-type psoriasis”
“Raptiva Epidemiologic study of psoriasis outcomes and safety events (RESPONSE) in patients with chronic moderate to severe plaque psorisis”
“A randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, 4-arm, 12-week study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of topically applied CTAO18 vs. vehicle for the treatment of adult subjects with chroriic plaque psoriasis”

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