
Relax Wrinkles and Restore a Vibrant, More Youthful Appearance in the Little Rock Area

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What Does Dysport® Treat?

How Does Dysport® Work?

Dysport® (abobotulinumtoxinA) is made with botulinum toxin, which is a protein derived from a common bacterium. It’s a neuromodulator, meaning it disrupts certain signals between the nerves and muscles. By temporarily blocking signals that trigger muscle contractions, it allows the muscles to relax. Wrinkles are reduced as a result.

What sets Dysport® apart from other injectables is its “spreadability” that allows it to diffuse through tissues more easily, making it ideal for treating larger areas such as the flat muscles of the forehead. It does not cause a heavy feeling, and fewer injections will be needed to achieve the full results. It also has a faster onset compared to other options.

What Can You Expect from a Dysport® Treatment?

Our team at Dermatology Group of Arkansas strives to ensure that your Dysport® procedure will be as comfortable and smooth as possible. Treatments are quick and minimally invasive. Small amounts of the product are injected into the specific muscles that cause wrinkles in order to smooth the skin while still preserving your natural facial expressions. A session usually will take around 15 minutes to be completed. The number of injections each patient needs will vary depending on their features and how pronounced their wrinkles are.

How Long Do Dysport® Results Last?

The results will typically show up in two to three days. This is a temporary treatment, which means the effects will eventually wear off. Dysport® has a lifespan of three to four months on average.

Which Other Cosmetic Treatments Are Available for Reducing Wrinkles?

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