Insurance & Payment Policies

Learn more about our insurance and payment policies

Insurance Policy

All patients, new and established, must bring a drivers license or a government photo identification card and their health insurance card for verification.

We accept assignment of benefits on most insurance claims. This means that we accept payment from patient claims that do not exceed the amount allowed by the patient’s insurance policy. Most policies pay a percentage (usually in the 80% range) to us and we are allowed to bill the patient for the balance allowed, called co-insurance (usually in the 20% range).

The patient is also required to pay the unmet deductible amount of the policy. If a patient has a biopsy ordered after a visit, they will be asked for a deposit of $100.00 for the histopathology laboratory charges. This is where the patient’s tissue specimen is sent, processed, and diagnosed.

If the patient has a “co-pay” amount based on the patient’s policy, the insurance company requires us to collect the co-pay at the time of the visit.

If the patient’s insurance company believes that a procedure performed was not medically necessary or was a non-covered or cosmetic procedure, the insurance company will not pay for the claim. The patient should ask their insurance company first to be sure the requested procedure will be allowed and paid with their written response. The patient is responsible for payment of the procedure if it is performed and not paid by their insurance.

Charges for a minor child seen in the office are the responsibility of the adult accompanying the minor child.

If you have any questions concerning charges, insurance claims, or billing, please call our Patient Accounts section at 501-227-8422.

Payment Policy

Frequently, patients are required to pay amounts that insurance companies did not pay, e.g., co-insurance, non-covered service, not medically necessary, un-met deductibles, and balance due.

We accept cash, money orders, checks, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express credit or debit cards at the time of service. We also accept credit card payments online at our website [email protected].

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